At long last, it brings me great pleasure to announce that Leap Year is now available to watch for free on the Orvis YouTube channel. I’ve truly appreaciated hearing the feedback from people around the world about the importance of these fish, how they’re enjoyed, how they change people’s lives, and how they need to be protected.
Here are a few favorite quotes from viewers so far:
“I appreciate how they hit on the importance we anglers have to not only enjoy the resources, but to fight for them as well. These fish and these places are irreplaceable, and it falls on us anglers to stand up for them and share their value with others. ”
“Truly enjoyed watching this video. The cinema photography so captured the beauty of this sport.”
“Ah yes, fly fishing for steelhead on the Morice. A beautiful river with beautiful fish. There you are, standing up to your thighs in cold, clear, running water. The first cigar of the day has left you with a nice nicotine buzz. The first beer of the day is fizzing away nicely in your stomach. It’s time for the second cigar of your day. As you light up, you glance at your watch. It’s seven o’clock in the morning.”
“Wonderfully shot film. Thank you for sharing it with us.”
Have a watch for yourself, and please let us know what you think in the comments. Enjoy!